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tags: all, solo, group, events, residencies, publications
- VRAL Season 5, The Death Trilogy, Online
- Fotoludica, Taskmasters No More: Subverting Playbor Through Artistic Play (Presentation), Milan, Italy
- Milan Machinima Festival MMXIV, Slot Machinima, Milan, Italy
- Sensing is believing, believing is seeing, published by NiMAC
- I, Like Many Things, published by Yale School of Architecture
- Rialto Theatre, While the agitated beasts enter the garden of fear..., Limassol, Cyprus
- Bravo Bravo Editions Showcase, Nicosia, Cyprus
- DA-Z Digital Arts Festival, Unframed, Zürich, Switzerland
- SiMAC, Gniees si gniveileb, gniveileb si gnisnes
- Unnamed atrium in my dreams, Frozen Waterfall Dream 30/07/22
- NiMAC, Sensing is believing, believing is seeing, Nicosia, Cyprus
- [SENNE], Virtual Landscapes, Brussels, Belgium
- Axiothea, While the agitated beasts enter the garden of fear..., Nicosia, Cyprus
- Naaman, Rodeo Piraeus (scan), Online
- φαινόμενα, The Island Club presents A Day, Anafi, Greece
- Either I forget right away, or I never forget, The Island Club (scan), Online
- The One Minutes, The Fields of Algorithms, Amsterdam, Netherlands / online
- Milan Machinima Festival MMXXII, From Video Games to Video Art, Milan, Italy / Online
- The Τέλος Society, The Τέλος Society Issue 3: Earth, online
- Phytorio, Gardens of Resistance (Presentation), Nicosia, Cyprus
- Rialto Theatre, 10th International Short Film Festival of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus
- 19th Countryside Animafest Cyprus, Salamiou, Cyprus
- isthisit? Residency, Postcards from Quarantine, Online
- Arebyte Gallery, GOINGAWAY.TV Live - The Retreat, London, UK
- The Wrong Biennale, GOINGAWAY.TV, Online
- Museum of Cultural History and Heritage of Lakatamia / Phygital Project, Sickle & Code, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Dance House Lemesos, One Day Express Lab 2, Online
- Loading Festival, Projections Night, Porto, Portugal
- K-Gold Temporary Gallery, I woke with a marble head in my hands, Lesvos, Greece
- TheYard.Residency.19, The Word Game, Limassol, Cyprus
- Curatedbylolita.com, Adonis and Adonis and Adonis and Adonis and Adonis and Adonis and Adonis and Wade and the Effort of Consciousness, Online
- 34.676912, 33.049543, Impermanent Installation, Limassol, Cyprus
- TestDrive, Emotional Sculptures, Nicosia, Cyprus
- TestDrive(Sims) Residency, Adonis and the Quantum Self, Instagram
- MAKERsHOUSE Residency Programme, ΥΠΟΜΟΝΗ, Larnaca, Cyprus
- Seventeen, New Year, New You, London, UK
- S:2F2, Share IRL Phase 2: The Anxiety Primer, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Imago Mundi: Wonder Island, published by Antiga Edizioni
- Salone degli Incanti, Imago Mundi: Join the Dots, Trieste, Italy
- The Residency, #instagramresidency, Instagram
- NiMAC, The Presence of Absence or The Catastrophe Theory, Nicosia, Cyprus
- The Residency, Adonis and the Labour of Artistic Production, Instagram
- Garage, Ecstatic Textures, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Phytorio, Beyond an Event Horizon, Nicosia, Cyprus
- 1010 Hall, CTA Remix, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Rooms to Contemplate, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Uqbar Project Space, Dig Where You Stand, Berlin, Germany
- EMAA / Confrontation through Art, 3rd Young Artists Residency, Berlin, Germany
- Phytorio, Stories in the Greenhouse, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Phytorio, Artist Residency No. 1, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Xarkis Festival, Common Collections, Lofou, Cyprus
- Cake Journal Issue 1: Can I Have Some of That?
- Xarkis Festival, Common Collections, Lofou, Cyprus
- The Cyprus Dossier N°8: Stories of Cyprus
- The Cyprus Dossier N°7: Fellow Human